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Source pane

A “source” is a link to the data provider for the time-series you’ll be manipulating with binjr, and the source pane shows the sources currently connected.


You can toggle the visibility of the source pane using the “Show/Hide Source Pane” in the menu bar or by pressing Ctrl+L

Adding a source tab

To add a new source to a workspace, use the menu bar to navigate to Sources > New Source and select the type of source to add.


Alternatively, if there are no sources in the current workspace yet, you can click on the icon on the left pane.


you can add any number of sources, of any supported type to a single workspace.


Editing a source tab

Once you’ve successfully connected to a data source, all of its available time series are displayed in a tree view, with a hierarchy depending on the type of source.


Use the “filter” icon to filter out the series whose path matches the entered text.


Use the “cog” icon to change the name of of given source tab.


Built-in sources parameters


Name Description Default
Address The URL for the JRDS instance you want ot connect to.
Timezone The time zone of the target JRDS instance The host’s current time zone.
Sorted by This parameter dictates the organization of the series tree view:
  • All Hosts: Returns a tree sorted by hosts
  • Host <host>: Returns a view of for specified host only
  • All Services: Returns a tree sorted by services
  • All Views: Returns a tree sorted by views
  • All Filters: Returns a tree sorted by filters
  • Filter <filter>: Returns a view for the specified filter only
  • All Tags: Returns a tree sorted by tags
  • Tag <tag>: Returns a view for the specified tag only
All Hosts


Name Description Default
Address The URL for the Netdata instance you want ot connect to.


Name Description Default
Path The path to the CSV file you want to add to the source tab.
Timezone The time zone corresponding to the capture timestamps in the CSV file. The host’s current time zone.
Date Format The pattern used to parse the timestamps. The syntax is that of Java’s DatetimeFormatter: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
Encoding The encoding used in the CSV file utf-8
Separator The character used as a column separator in the CSV file. ,


The time stamps must be located in the first column of the CSV file.


Name Description Default
Path The path to the RRD file(s) you want to add to the source tab.


You can add more than one RRD file to a single source tab.

Log Files

Name Description Default
Path The path to the CSV file you want to add to the source tab.
Timezone The time zone corresponding to the capture timestamps in the log files. The host’s current time zone.
Extensions *.log, *.txt
Parsing The set of regular expressions that will be used to parse the log files into structured events. [Built-in] ISO-like timestamps


Users can edit the existing sets of parsing rules and create their own via the log parsing profiles editor.