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You can access the “Settings” panel from the menu bar.


Appearance & Behavior


You can select binjr’s user interface theme from this list.


Default: Light

Span crosshair over all charts

Check this option if you want the vertical crosshair to span over all stacked charts on a worksheet.

Uncheck it if you prefer it to only show over the focused chart.



The timeline (X axis) for all charts in a worksheet are always aligned, regardless of this option.

Default: Checked

Reopen workspace

Check this option if you want the last opened workspace to be reloaded next time the application if started.

Uncheck it if you prefer the application starts with a blank workspace.

Default: Unchecked

Discard notification timer

The amount of time notifications popup should hover before being automatically dismissed.

Default: 10 Seconds

Snapshot output scale

The output scale factor to apply to snapshots.

Default: Auto (Same as screen)


Default color palette

Select the default color palette to use for series whose sources do not specify it.

Default: Vibrant

Show outline on area charts

Check this option if you want newly created area charts to display a brighter coloured outline for each series.

Default: Checked

Default area charts opacity

The default opacity value to apply to series on area charts.

Default: 30%

Show outline on stacked charts

Check this option if you want newly created stacked area charts to display a brighter coloured outline for each series.

Default: Unchecked

Default stacked charts opacity

The default opacity value to apply to series on stacked area charts

Default: 70%

Enable sample reduction

Default: Checked

Check this option to enable sample reduction.

Sample reduction limits the number of samples to plot to improve chart rendering performances, using advanced algorithms1 to keep the best approximation of the original data.


It is highly recommended to always enable sample reduction, otherwise chart rendering performances might be seriously affected.

Maximum number of samples

The maximum number of samples per time series to keep when sample reduction is enabled.

Default: 1500


Default color palette

Select the default color palette to use for log files.

Default: Vibrant

Data Adapters

List of installed data adapters

This list shows all currently available data adapters.

You can enable or disable a data adapter using the check box next to its name in the list.

A disabled data adapter no longer appears in the New Source... menu. Please note, however, that previously opened sources tab using this adapter will not be closed and data will still be fetched from it.

Load from external folder

Check this option if you want to be load plugins from a specific location, in addition to those loaded from the classpath.

If checked, enter the location to load plugins from in the field beneath it.


Plugins in the /plugins folder in a binjr installation are always loaded by the application, regardless of these settings.

Default: Unchecked

Manage Settings

Restore to default

Reset all settings to their default values.

Export settings

Export the current values of all settings to a .xml file.

Import settings

Import settings from a previously saved .xml file.


This will overwrite the current values of all settings.

Clear history

Clear all user history, such as most recently used workspaces, urls, files, saved folders, etc…


Check for updates on start-up

Check this option if you would like binjr to automatically check if an update available on start-up.

Default: Checked

Check for updates

Click on the button if you would like to check for updates now.

  1. See for more info on the down-sampling algorithms used by binjr.